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Sticky note with a lightbulb on a corkboard
Education Hub

Dig Deeper: Peer Feedback and Self-Assessment

This post is meant to focus on the final two steps of the AFL process—peer feedback and self-assessment. These two steps focus on the student’s growth and are intrinsic to a successful AFL implementation. The question becomes how to do them well.

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Organize research
Online Learning

Research Tools Round-up

Writing a research paper can be rough. There are so many sources out there and in academic databases. Need help using a database? Here are some helpful hints.

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Sticky note with a lightbulb on a corkboard
Education Hub

Dig Deeper: Assessment for Learning

Assessment for learning assesses students constantly during the learning process and allows instructors to adapt their instruction to meet students where they are and help them get to where they need to be.

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education technology
Online Learning

Three Trends in EdTech: 2024

Everyone is talking about ChatGPT, but what else is happening in EdTech right now? Neurodidactics, extended reality, and micro-credentials!

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A cargo ship of shipping containers, as part of the logistics industry supply chain management.
Community Highlight

Wendy Tate and Lisa Ellram, Premier Authors in Today’s Supply Chain Management Ed

With the constantly shifting supply chain management industry, we can’t overstate the importance of dedicated educators and authors. Wendy Tate and Lisa Ellram, distinguished and award-winning scholars and authors in supply chain management, have teamed up with MyEducator to contribute some of their most insightful knowledge and research to the field of supply chain management.

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marble reflecting the sunset
Resource Update

Welcoming Sustainability and Risk to the Catalog

Coming to the MyEducator catalog later this spring is Sustainability and Risk across the Supply Chain. Written by a world-class authorship team, author lead Lisa Ellram is joined by Stanley E. Fawcett, Carlos Mena, Wendy Tate, Elizabeth Davis-Sramek, and Vince Castillo to create a high-quality resource that will benefit students

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Different groups of people communicating
Education Hub

Communication in the Classroom

There is a space between confusion and clarity that is bridged only by clear, careful communication. As instructors, bridging that gap is essential. But communication is not always easy. Using successful communication in the classroom means both understanding the styles of communication students may use and practicing the basics of

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"hacked" — life hacks for instructors
Education Hub

Ten Life Hacks for Instructors

There’s only so much time in a day, and it has a tendency to fill itself up with far more than a single person can feasibly do. Or so it often feels. This can be especially true for instructors whose jobs do not end the moment they step out of

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Chalkboard with Test written on it
Education Hub

Starting Out Right: The Art of the Pre-Assessment

“If you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Or so H.K. Williams—and many since—have warned us. For an instructor, this has many different applications, but there is one application that often gets overlooked: the pre-assessment. What Is the Pre-Assessment? The pre-assessment is a test that an instructor will

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Education Hub

Accessibility Matters: Full Opportunity, Full Access

There are a number of reasons to use online textbooks, just as there are many reasons to be concerned as to whether they are the right choice. Accessibility concerns fall under both umbrellas, in some ways a benefit to students with disabilities and at times a cause for concern. For students

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Education Hub

Cutting the Costs on Textbooks

Textbooks are often necessary but sometimes expensive for students! Here are some things instructors can do to help make required textbooks more affordable.

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study materials
Online Learning

5 Study Apps to Help Students Organize and Excel

Being a student involves a lot of organization (to do well, anyway). Students have class schedules, assignments due, exams on the horizon—to say nothing of personal and work responsibilities. It is no wonder there are apps out there to help students (and anyone else) organize their life and streamline studying.

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Community Highlight

Top 8 Reasons to Author with MyEducator

With such a diverse publishing industry in today’s technological, do-it-yourself times, why do educators and authors choose to publish with MyEducator? MyEducator, a publishing company founded by professors for professors, partners with authors to create interactive smart textbooks that are customizable, up to date, and affordable. Our mission is to

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Certifications being offered through MyEducator.
Resource Update

5 Types of Certifications Offered through MyEducator

Certifications are a great way to show mastery of new skills, and becoming certified in certain marketable skills can give graduating students and professionals an edge in today’s competitive hiring landscape. Several MyEducator resources offer certifications that look great on graduate program applications, LinkedIn profiles, and résumés.

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make, create, sleep, repeat
Online Learning

ChatGPT: Creating Lessons and Class Material

As an instructor, you have a lot on your plate. You have to prepare lessons, create assignments, answer emails, write instructions, and the list goes on. But what if you could get some help? That is where ChatGPT comes in. ChatGPT is able to create quick lesson outlines, generate materials, and even draft emails.

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ideas for experiential learning
Education Hub

Experiential Learning Series

Did you miss our article series on experiential learning? Check out the links below to learn more about experiential learning: what it is, what it looks like, how to work with your students’ individual needs, and how to incorporate it into your teaching.

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Resource Update

Selling Is Everywhere—And Sales Is for Everyone

Sales is everywhere, and sales is for everyone. Though you might not recognize it, you are probably in the business of selling something on a regular basis. Hone your selling skills with a minor in professional selling!

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Dog working on his computer skills
Online Learning

Using Online Resources to Upgrade Your Job Skills

Recent college graduates understand how hard it is to break into the job market. The competition for the best jobs is fierce, and it can be hard to stand out from a crowd of applicants who always seem to have more experience and skills. While experience comes with time, there

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A globe interconnected with many intersecting lines.
Community Highlight

Lydia Bals: International Purchasing and Supply Whiz

Meet another of our international authors: Lydia Bals, a professor of supply chain and operations management at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, Germany, and an expert in purchasing and supply management. A native of Germany, she speaks German and English fluently and has a working knowledge of Spanish.

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Sign pointing towards 'Dream Job'
Education Hub

How to Ace That Interview: 7 Quick Tips

You’ve written the ever-dreaded résumé, and now you’re facing something just as intimidating: the job interview. The interview process is where both applicant and company determine if they are well-suited to each other. While it may seem intimidating, the interview is an essential step in getting a job that is a

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Four piles of coins increasing with size, with increasingly larger plant sprouts on top of each pile. Lastly there is a jar full of coins with the biggest sprout on top of it.
Resource Update

Introducing: Personal Finance and Economic Decision-Making

MyEducator is very excited to announce a new finance resource! Introducing Personal Finance and Economic Decision-Making, a tool to help students understand how to manage finances and make good financial decisions. Who couldn’t use a little more help in those departments? And on top of being a really great practical

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online research
Online Learning

ChatGPT: Uses as a Research Tool

One of the hardest parts of writing and research is starting. Sometimes it is hard to figure out the right questions to ask because you don’t know what you don’t know. Enter ChatGPT. ChatGPT can help you brainstorm ideas and aggregate information. This AI chatbot can’t replace dedicated research and

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Sign pointing towards 'Dream Job'
Education Hub

It’s Time to Write the Résumé: 7 Easy Tips

It’s off to work we go! Or at least it will be as soon as that job calls back with the offer. But before that call comes in, there are a few important steps. The first being the ever-dreaded résumé. For students in school or just graduating, creating a résumé

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Employee providing technical support for online resources.

Getting Support for Your MyEducator Resource

So you’ve found a MyEducator resource that is going to integrate perfectly with your curriculum. Congratulations! We can’t wait to boost your term or semester with our unique, expertly written, interactive text. However, we understand that there can be some uncertainties about navigating a new online platform. Fortunately, the MyEducator platform is simple, easy to use, and comes with all the support you could need.

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Woman chatting with a chatbot
Online Learning

ChatGPT: Plagiarism and Media Literacy

Since OpenAI launched ChatGPT (an AI chatbot) in 2022, educators all over the world have been in a panic. ChatGPT is capable of producing essays and completing assignments in a matter of seconds. Plus, it is free to use! The problem with ChatGPT is that students can use it to

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Books about learning several different languages, including German, Spanish, and French.
Community Highlight

Simon Dolan: International Author and Educator

Simon Dolan is an incredible international author, speaker, and professor. He is passionate about sharing his expertise in human resources and organizational management with people all over the world, and he is proud to partner with MyEducator.

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Chalkboard with Test written on it
Education Hub

The Final Exam Conundrum

Every end of semester, it’s time to face the age-old question of instructors everywhere: Did the students actually learn anything this time? As an instructor, you certainly hope so. But how do you know? That’s where the final exam comes in: the test to end all tests.  But not all

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A globe with many international flags all over it instead of country borders.
Community Highlight

The International Impact of MyEducator

MyEducator’s mission is to “educate the world with high-quality learning materials that are simple to use and affordable.” Read on to see how we’re accomplishing that goal.

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online learning through technology
Online Learning

Is Online Learning Here to Stay?

The past few years have seen a lot of change in the world. The Coronavirus pandemic has touched everyone, but education was one of the sectors hit the hardest. When schools suddenly closed and everyone was asked to isolate in their homes, educators were suddenly expected to move everything online.

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The words succeed, lead, and team, set in a Scrabble board.
Resource Update

Using a MyEducator Education to Become a Successful Leader

Fundamentals of Business Leadership is a smart textbook published by MyEducator that teaches students about the evolution of leadership theories over time and gives them the tools they need to develop leadership skills. Students learn the leadership skills that companies are looking for today.

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Instructor uses Canva online to design images.
Online Learning

Creating Images for Academic Resources

There are few things that can elevate an academic resource in the same way a well-designed image can. Read on to learn some helpful principles for design and for a list of tools you can use to design your own images!

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A girl nervously bites her pencil while taking an assessment on her laptop.
Education Hub

Finals Week: Ensuring Academic Integrity

With another semester wrapping up, students and instructors are preparing for finals weeks. A big question on the minds of many instructors is, How can I ensure that my students are honest on their final exams?

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final exam
Online Learning

Exams, Projects, Presentations, Oh My!

As the semester comes to an end, finals are on everyone’s mind—students and instructors alike. Whether that means a final project, exam, or both, finals can be a little scary. Instructors want to assess students’ comprehension and mastery of material taught over the course of the semester. Students just want

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A computer educator helping a student.
Community Highlight

Dr. Matt North Named Computer Educator of the Year

Dr. Matt North was recently presented with the Computer Educator of the Year Award from the International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS). This is the highest award given in the Information Systems industry! Read on to lean more about Nr. North’s accomplishments and his phenomenal resource, Data Mining for the Masses.

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Education Hub

Breaking Down Blended Learning

In part as a reaction to COVID, but also as a natural extension of the rise of technology, blended learning has shifted in recent years from a somewhat used teaching method to a learning model used by instructors nearly everywhere. But is it just another trend, or is it here

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Resource Update

The GIVE BACK Program: Project Management Principles in Practice

What’s the best way for your students to learn project management? By doing a project, of course! Project Management: Principles in Practice by Grant Stousland includes a course-long project that engages students in giving back to the community and learning project management skills along the way. Students learn essential project management

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Education Hub

The Five-Factor Model of Personality Improves Teamwork

“Birds of a feather flock together,” or so the English proverb goes; this is counteracted by the equally common “opposites attract.” Which is true? And why does it matter? Optimizing team composition in organizational and educational environments is an important task for maximum performance. When it comes to teamwork and

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Resource Update

Introducing: Advanced Excel for Business

There’s always that one person in the office who blows their coworkers away with their spreadsheet magic. Whatever the need, they can do it. Wouldn’t you like to be that person? Learn more about how to advance your Excel skills!

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stealing a lightbulb from a head
Online Learning

The 5 Types of Plagiarism and How to Avoid Them

Most of us know that stealing is wrong. The average person doesn’t go around stealing candy from the store or taking a laptop left on a library table. But what about stealing ideas, thoughts, or research? That particular brand of stealing is plagiarism, something most people, especially those involved in

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Online Learning

Five Tips to Help Students “Do the Reading”

To read or not to read—that is the question that many students ask themselves when it comes to doing their assigned reading for classes. Many instructors have noticed a decrease in the completion of assigned reading and find this decline concerning. Read on to find out how instructors can encourage reading completion!

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A man takes notes during a lecture session at a professional conference.
Community Highlight

Why Conferences Are Essential for Your Professional Development, Plus 13 Tips to Read Before You Attend

Conferences are a fantastic way to meet with people who have similar interests as you. Conferences that focus on professional training and development can be highly beneficial as attendees are given the opportunity learn more about their industries, give and receive feedback on research, set goals, and grow a vibrant network of peers and associates. With many conferences returning to in-person attendance, we have a few tips for making the most of your conference experience.

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ideas for experiential learning
Education Hub

Five (Plus One) Classroom Examples of Experiential Learning

“Just Google it!” As a tried-and-true method for finding answers, Google has changed the world. But no matter the field, education is more than just finding answers. It’s about teaching skills; this includes, but is not limited to, problem-solving skills, communication skills, and people skills. And that’s in addition to

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Online Learning

70 Years of Accounting Experience at Your Fingertips

Where do you go when you need to learn something fast? The internet of course! But how do you know that the information you find is high-quality and reliable? Anyone can record a YouTube video or write a blog post. There is also the chore of searching for just the

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Education Hub

Balancing the Four Learning Styles of Experiential Learning

This is the third in a series about experiential learning; for more information check out Part 1—The Six Propositions of Experiential Learning and Part 2—Experiential Learning: The Learning Cycle. Experience, reflect, think, and act. These were the four steps of the experiential learning cycle mentioned in Part 2 through which students can increase their depth

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ideas for experiential learning
Education Hub

Experiential Learning: The Learning Cycle

This is the second post in a series on experiential learning. See Part 1 here. The experiential learning theory is a well-used, well-known theory with applications in nearly all forms of teaching and learning, from its six propositions (see Part 1 of this series to learn more) to its in-depth theory on learning styles

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Online Learning

The Power of Visual Aids

When you think of textbooks, the first thing in your mind is probably not the images embedded within. However, though the text is important, those visuals can be just as vital to the learning process, and not just for those who consider themselves “visual learners.”

But why are images so important? Here are four ways images take education to a whole new level.

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Resource Update

Data Analysis with Excel

Your students probably know how to create tables and charts and perform basic calculations in Excel. Maybe they’ve even taken MyEducator’s Excel Educator course and are familiar with PivotTables, modeling, and statistics. But do these future professionals know that Excel is capable of even more powerful data analysis and visualization techniques? Among

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ideas for experiential learning
Education Hub

The Six Propositions of Experiential Learning

Education is a two-way street. An instructor’s responsibility is to teach, but the instructor is not the only one involved. There’s a second party: the student. While the instructor teaches, it is the student’s responsibility to learn. The theory of experiential learning plays a role on both sides of the

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Online Learning

Six Factors to Consider When Picking an Online Course

What kind of course do you think of when you hear “online learning”? Is it a semester-bound course or an independent study? Do you still work with other students or are you isolated? Is it an online certification course or a 3-credit course that goes toward a degree? As you

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Resource Update

An Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning

We are proud to announce a new resource on our catalog: Enterprise Resource Planning. This resource provides an introduction to enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems—and a detailed overview of modernized ERP software and interfaces from an industry leader—which makes it a valuable tool for both instructors and students.

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Community Highlight

Celebrating You

This month, we want to highlight you! Learn more about the students, instructors, and partner organizations that use MyEducator.

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Online Learning

Who Takes Online Classes?

While COVID-10 brought attention to online learning, it has been around since long before the pandemic. Who takes these online classes, and why do they choose online classes over traditional in-person learning?

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Resource Update

The Support Process: Freshdesk

It’s one thing to know that MyEducator is there to support you, and it’s another to know how! Our support team works tirelessly to help students and instructors alike with as little work on the students’ and instructors’ side as possible.

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Old Main building at Wayne State University
Community Highlight

From Student to Instructor with Akane Hebert

We all love power stories of the student becoming the master, and Akane Hebert did just that! She started as a student in a class using a MyEducator resource. Now she’s teaching that course, using the instructor side of the MyEducator resource, and earning her master’s degree!

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Online Learning

3 Big Trends in Higher Education

There’s no doubt that the nature of higher education has been affected by the pandemic, but shifts in technology and the workforce also have a role to play. How will educational institutions adapt to and drive this innovation moving forward?

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Education Hub

Advantages of and Strategies for Blended Learning

As the education sphere adjusts to a post-COVID world, blended learning—which had already been on this rise—has only become a more fundamental learning methodology. Here are some of the advantages of blended learning and some strategies to get the most out of this methodology.

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Resource Update

Our Commitment to Privacy and Security in Canvas

At MyEducator, we take your privacy and security seriously. That’s why we’ve partnered with Instructure, the company behind Canvas LMS, to verify that we use industry-standard security practices to keep user information secure.

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Resource Update

Welcoming Lean Six Sigma to the Catalog

A brand new resource is joining the catalog! Written by a world-class author team, Lean Six Sigma: Enhancing Competitiveness and Customer Value is a high-quality resource that will benefit students and instructors alike.

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Online Learning

How to Navigate Copyright Law as a Textbook Author

MyEducator takes copyright seriously and knows how important it is for authors to maintain integrity and respect for other people’s original work. Here are some of our authors’ frequently asked questions and answers when it comes to copyright.

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Education Hub

4 Ways to Encourage and Increase Student Engagement

Encouraging student participation can sometimes be difficult in a blended or online setting—but active learning is essential for student knowledge retention. Here are four tips to increase student engagement and participation and cultivate a classroom culture of active learning!

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Community Highlight

Author Highlight: Stanley E. Fawcett

Learn more about one of our star authors! Dr. Stanley E. Fawcett is a professor of global supply chain management at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.

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Resource Update

Piloting Excel Online

MyEducator is pleased to announce an Excel and SQL Educator resource that offers content options for Excel Windows, Excel for Mac, and Excel Online. Learn essential Excel skills, no matter what version you prefer!

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Online Learning

YouTube and You: 3 Ways to Engage Students

Many instructors have turned to YouTube as a vast resource of educational videos and as a way to incorporate multimodal learning. In this post, we’ll look at three ways YouTube can help engage students in their coursework.

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Customized suit
Resource Update

Trusted Content, Customized Courses

When it comes to textbooks, sometimes a one-size-fits-all approach simply won’t do. At MyEducator, we recognize that our instructors’ needs are dynamic and diverse. That’s why we offer customizable content for all of our resources!

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Community Highlight

Women’s History Month and Introducing Our Blog

Today, we’re thrilled to share our first post on the new MyEducator blog! To celebrate Women’s History month, we’ll introduce you to our an all-female content team—the creators and managers of the blog.

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Please reach out to your instructor for assistance with accessing your textbook, you can also view this walkthrough.